Sokai Felina

Sokai Felina

I want you to always be smiling and sparkling.

For girls who tend to be deficient in both iron and green-yellow vegetables or who are on a diet. In addition to heme iron, this supplement contains spirulina, which contains more than 50 vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients.

Features of Sokai Felina

It is packed with nutrients that growing girls tend to lack.

Soukai Felina is an ideal nutritional supplement for girls from upper elementary school to junior high school age, who tend to be deficient in iron. In addition to iron, Soukai Ferina is packed with a variety of minerals and spirulina nutrients that help maintain good health.

Contains high amounts of highly absorbable heme iron

Heme iron is iron found in animal products such as meat and fish. Its absorption rate is said to be 5 to 6 times higher than that of non-heme iron derived from plants. Contains 50 mg of heme iron per day, which is difficult to obtain through diet.

Safety on top of safety, because it’s in the child’s mouth.

Manufactured at a pharmaceutical plant in Japan under pharmaceutical standards. It is said that only 4-5% of supplements in Japan are manufactured under the same standards. In addition, non-nutrient ingredients are also minimized.

Cheerful girl
This supplement is ideal for teenage girls.

Dear mothers with growing girls.

Before we talk about your child, think first about the mother herself.

Iron is one of the most important minerals. You know that a lack of iron from your body can be detrimental to your health and beauty.

You probably have more than a few days when you don’t feel well because of it.

Actually, mothers. It is not only adults who tend to lack iron.

In particular, teenage girls in their growth spurt need to be careful.

This is because, in addition to the need to produce a large amount of blood as their bodies grow during their growth period, they also lose iron in their bodies due to menstruation.

What makes it even more troublesome is that iron is a nutrient that is not easily replaced by the normal diet alone. It is a poorly absorbable nutrient, and even when ingested, most of it leaves the body.

Even though we are of an age when we need iron, the problem tends to go in the wrong direction, such as diets that neglect nutritional value, or picky eaters who eat only sweets and snacks.

If your child is saying everyday, “I’m tired,I’m so tired,” you should be careful.

Soukai Felina is a nutritional supplement to support children’s diet.

It is recommended for growing girls who do not consume enough green and yellow vegetables as well as iron.

We wish your child will always be smiling and vigorous.

smiling girls

Beware of diets for adolescent and growing girls.

At least 80% of upper elementary, junior high, and high school girls have the desire to “be thinner than I am now.” This is known from numerous surveys. (in Japan)

Many girls have a strong body shape complex and rate themselves as “fat” when in fact they are below standard weight.

However, extreme dieting at this age can lead to long-term health problems, so mothers, please watch your children at all times.

Undernourishment can stop the growth of height and can also cause health problems. Excessive dieting during the growth period can only have a negative impact on the muscles, bones, and all parts of the body.

The growth period, especially around the ages of 10 to 15, is very important for bone building. This is the peak and the last time calcium can be stored in the bones. In spite of this, dieting and other dietary restrictions can affect bone mass for the rest of your life.

Bone mass over a woman's lifetime

Selected ingredients that support the health of growing girls

heme iron

Heme iron

Highly absorbable heme iron is found in animal foods such as liver, red meat and fish. Animal foods tend to be avoided during dieting. It is a nutrient that growing girls should be well supplied with.


More than 60% protein (= amino acids) essential for growth! Most noteworthy are the more than 50 health and nutritional components contained in spirulina. Its nutritional balance is more than that of green and yellow vegetables.

baker's yeast

Baker’s yeast

Soukai Felina baker’s yeast contains the essential minerals chromium, manganese, molybdenum, copper, zinc, and selenium as nutrients.

Ingredients (in 5 tablets of 1,500 mg)

  • Spirulina 750mg
  • Baker’s yeast 300mg
  • Sodium iron citrate 250mg
  • Heme iron 50mg
  • Other excipients

Safety is important to us because it is something children drink.

No preservatives or coloring agents used

No preservatives or coloring agents are used. Nor are sweeteners used to add flavor. The amount of excipients used to harden the product into granules is minimal.

Manufactured at a pharmaceutical plant in Japan

a pharmaceutical plant

Manufactured at a pharmaceutical plant in Japan under the same quality control standards as pharmaceutical products. It is said that only 4-5% of supplements in Japan are made under the same standards.

Double packaging to protect nutrients!

Double packaging

Double aluminum packaging shuts out air. This prevents deterioration and ensures that the supplements are delivered in their best condition.

Third party inspected

results of analysis tests

The results of analysis tests conducted by the Japan Food Analysis Center of the Japan Food Analysis Center (JFAC) are available to the public.

Here to order

  • Sokai Felina 3-bag set
    Sokai Felina 3-bag set
    Sokai Felina 3-bag set
    Number of packages 120 tablets x 3 bags, 2 months worth
    120 tablets x 3 bags, 2 months worth
    Normal price 14,040 yen
    Price 13,100 yen (tax included)
    Free shipping within Japan
  • Sokai Felina single product
    Sokai Felina single product
    Sokai Felina single product
    Number of packages 120 tablets, for 24 days worth
    120 tablets, 24 days worth
    Price 4,680 yen (tax included)
    Separate shipping fee within Japan
  • Sokai Felina 6-bag set
    Sokai Felina 6-bag set
    Sokai Felina 6-bag set
    Number of packages 120 tablets x 6 bags, 5 months worth
    120 tablets x 6 bags, 5 months worth
    Normal price 28,080 yen
    Price 24,340 yen (tax included)
    Free shipping within Japan

User Guide

  • The recommended dose is 5-10 tablets a day.
  • Please drink with water or lukewarm water.
  • Do not use if you have any food allergies.
  • Discontinue use if it does not suit your constitution.
  • Contents per bag: 36g (300mg x 120 tablets)
  • Ingredients: Spirulina, baker’s yeast (containing chromium, manganese, molybdenum, copper, zinc, selenium), sodium iron citrate, heme iron, rape seed hardened oil, cellulose, shellac